Wenkbrauw Transplantatie
bij Graftpoint Kliniek

A second chance for the first impression
Do you suffer from bald patches at your eyebrows and long for beautiful, full brows? Enjoy symmetrical, natural-looking eyebrows with the latest eyebrow transplant technique at Graftpoint. With years of experience and expertise, we are guaranteed to provide the best results and naturally beautiful, full brows of high quality.

Why do you lose eyebrows

However, age, genetics and lifestyle factors can all cause a person’s eyebrows to thin or disappear. There are several measures to reduce the effects of thinning eyebrows or to improve their appearance. An eyebrow transplant is one of these. Graftpoint clinic offers eyebrow transplantation to both male and female patients. Our team will give you back the looks you are looking for.

Will you choose an eyebrow transplant at Graftpoint? With our advanced techniques, we ensure that the hair follicles are accurately implanted , giving your eyebrows a fuller and natural look. We leave the old eyebrow transplant method completely behind. Just like a hair transplant, eyebrow transplantation involves extracting hair from the hair follicle, but because the number of hair follicles to be transplanted is smaller, it is a more comfortable, painless and shorter procedure. With this new method, we create a small channel in the skin for each hair and move it in the direction of hair growth.

Did you know that these channels must also have the right orientation? Actually, it is the orientation of these channels and the growth pattern of the hair that results in the perfect eyebrow look. From the 3rd month, the hairs of your eyebrows begin to grow permanently. By the 6th month you already see 80% of your final result, Only after 9 to 12 months the full result of the hair treatment is visible.


2 - 4 uur


U mag dezelfde dag gewoon naar huis

Verlof van werk

Aangeraden om 1 week thuis te blijven

Hoofd wassen

Na 2 dagen

Op de rug slapen

Eerste 10 dagen

Rustige inspanning

Na 2 dagen

Individueel sporten

Na 5 dagen


Na 3 maanden


Na ongeveer 7 dagen



U maakt telefonisch 010-321 68 83 of via onze website www.graftpoint.nl een afspraak voor een gratis en vrijblijvend consult.


Tijdens een consult gesprek worden uw wensen en mogelijkheden besproken. De medische vragenlijst wordt doorgenomen. Het hele consult heeft als doel u zo duidelijk en volledig mogelijk te informeren.


U wordt voorbereid op de haartransplantatie behandeling. U krijgt VIP service gedurende uw hele behandeling.


Direct na de behandeling zullen wij u de verdere instructies uitleggen en deze aan u meegeven. In dit gesprek ontvangt u van ons het nazorg pakket en de medicatie. Vervolgens worden de Controle afspraken ingepland voor de 15e dag, 3e maand, 6e maand en 12e maand.


Het getransplanteerde haar bereikt 80% in de 6e maand en 100% in de 12e maand.