at Graftpoint Clinic

With DHI, you not only get your hair back, but also your confidence and youthful appearance. It’s the start of a new chapter in your life! Ready for the change? Take step towards a fuller, more natural look with the DHI technique. No visible scars, Faster healing and shorter recovery time! It’s time to take back control of your appearance-and your life!

In 1990, the Choi Pen named after him was invented by Dr. Choi in Korea. In DHI application, a special pen-like hair transplantation device called CHOİPEN is used. In this method, the hair follicles are inserted into the device one by one and the transplantation process is performed. In this technique, up to certain number of grafts can be placed.

What is DHI hair transplantation?

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is an advanced hair transplantation method that offers natural and lasting results. This technique is called Direct Hair Transplantation Implantation (DHT, DHI) because the hair follicles are directly transplanted without opening the canal. The DHI method is also called the “hair sparing” or “unshaven” method. Because this does not always require shaving the entire head. This makes the procedure more appealing to people who are concerned about their appearance during recovery.

The Dhi method does not involve surgical intervention on your hair roots. This method is generally preferred for getting into the hair, not just for the bald area. At the end of the surgery, the person has thick and natural hair. Compared to Fue and Fut techniques, the postoperative recovery time of the DHI method is much faster. Because it is implanted between your own hair , you can return to daily life within a short time.

This provides a more comfortable experience and a faster recovery process.

  • Fast visible results: Because the grafts are implanted directly, the results can be visible faster than with other techniques.
  • Highest hair density and most natural-looking result: Due to the precision of the implantation, hair growth often has a more natural appearance.
  • Natural hairline: Due to the precision of the implantation, hair growth often has a more natural appearance
  • No more scalp incisions, Faster healing: Because no incisions or cuts are needed, the scalp heals faster.

What are the disadvantages of the DHI method?

  • Longer treatment time: DHI can take longer than other methods, such as FUE. This is because each hair follicle is implanted individually using the Choi Pen, which is a very detailed and time-consuming process.
  • Limit on number of grafts: Due to the precision and the fact that the hair follicles are implanted one at a time, the number of grafts that can be implanted in a session may be lower than FUE method.
  • Cost more intensive: DHI is more expensive than other hair transplantation techniques, such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). This is because using the Choi Implanter Pen requires more time and precision, leading to higher labor costs.

Which method is best for me?

If you come to us for a consultation or request a quote through our site, we and our specialists will help you choose the right hair transplant technique based on your personal needs and medical background.


6 - 8 uur


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U maakt telefonisch 010-321 68 83 of via onze website www.graftpoint.nl een afspraak voor een gratis en vrijblijvend consult.


Tijdens een consult gesprek worden uw wensen en mogelijkheden besproken. De medische vragenlijst wordt doorgenomen. Het hele consult heeft als doel u zo duidelijk en volledig mogelijk te informeren.


U wordt voorbereid op de haartransplantatie behandeling. U krijgt VIP service gedurende uw hele behandeling.


Direct na de behandeling zullen wij u de verdere instructies uitleggen en deze aan u meegeven. In dit gesprek ontvangt u van ons het nazorg pakket en de medicatie. Vervolgens worden de Controle afspraken ingepland voor de 15e dag, 3e maand, 6e maand en 12e maand.


Het getransplanteerde haar bereikt 80% in de 6e maand en 100% in de 12e maand.