Beard Assisted
Hair Transplant

A beard-to-hair transplant is also possible with us! Patients with advanced hair loss need not give up hope of an attractive, full head of hair. Using the latest techniques, we can now transplant beard hair and hair from other parts of the body to restore hair density and create a natural, youthfully restored look.

Beard to hair transplant

More and more men are choosing beard-to-head transplantation as a solution to hair loss or thinning hair. This technique uses for the hair growth in the beard to restore the head hair, providing strong beard growth but less hair on their head. It is a specialized variant of regular hair transplantation, where hair is harvested from the beard and transplanted to areas on the head where hair growth is lacking or thin.

  • This type of hair transplant is usually performed by people who are so severely bald that donor spots on the head are not sufficient.
  • It is also a common treatment for patients who have had previous hair transplants where the good donor spots on the scalp have been exhausted.

How does a beard to hair transplant work

  1. The specialist will extract healthy hairs from your beard, using the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique. This involves carefully removing individual hair follicles from the beard area without leaving any scars.
  2. The harvested hair follicles are then implanted in the areas of your scalp where hair loss has occurred.
  3. Because beard hair is often thicker and firmer than hair on the scalp, this technique can be especially effective for men who have few or no suitable donor hairs on their heads. The beard hairs will adapt well to their new location and continue to grow well.

Benefits of beard to hair transplantation

  • Natural hair growth: Because the hair follicles come from your own body , the transplanted hair growth will look natural. You don’t have to worry about hair rejection.
  • Use of strong hair follicles: Beard hair is often thicker and firmer than head hair. This is especially beneficial for men who have thinning hair and are looking for a fuller head of hair.
  • Long-term solution: Like regular hair transplantation, this technique is permanent. The transplanted hairs continue to grow, which means that in the long run you don’t have to invest in temporary solutions.
  • Ideal solution for lack of donor hair on the head: Many men with advanced hair loss do not have enough suitable donor hair on their scalp. In such cases, the beard provides an excellent source of healthy hair for transplantation.

Before making a decision, it is important to schedule a consultation with one of our qualified specialists. We can assess your hair situation and determine whether your beard hairs are suitable for a successful transplant


6 - 8 uur


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U maakt telefonisch 010-321 68 83 of via onze website een afspraak voor een gratis en vrijblijvend consult.


Tijdens een consult gesprek worden uw wensen en mogelijkheden besproken. De medische vragenlijst wordt doorgenomen. Het hele consult heeft als doel u zo duidelijk en volledig mogelijk te informeren.


U wordt voorbereid op de haartransplantatie behandeling. U krijgt VIP service gedurende uw hele behandeling.


Direct na de behandeling zullen wij u de verdere instructies uitleggen en deze aan u meegeven. In dit gesprek ontvangt u van ons het nazorg pakket en de medicatie. Vervolgens worden de Controle afspraken ingepland voor de 15e dag, 3e maand, 6e maand en 12e maand.


Het getransplanteerde haar bereikt 80% in de 6e maand en 100% in de 12e maand.