Beard transplant
at Graftpoint Clinic
Do you suffer from bald spots at your beard or mustache and does this also affect your self-confidence? Discover the power of our beard mustache transplant treatment and transform your appearance with a full, symmetrical beard line. At Graftpoint, we’ll make sure you no longer feel insecure about your beard. Beard- mustache transplantation is a permanent procedure used to regain your self-confidence.
How does beard transplantation work?
Basically, beard or mustache transplantation proceeds the same as scalp transplantation. The first step in the process is a consultation meeting with an experienced doctor/specialist along with the consultant. During this conversation, your medical history is discussed and your desire for a beard transplant evaluated.
Here, the density of your existing beard growth, the quality of your head hairs and the suitability of your skin are important. Based on this information, a treatment plan is drawn up and you are given an indication of the expected result, the number of hair follicles needed and the cost.
Beard transplantation is performed to improve or restore beard hair growth by moving healthy hair follicles from a donor area (usually the back or sides of the head) to the face, where hair growth is thin or bald. The procedure can help create a fuller, denser-looking beard or fill in areas with little hair growth in the beard line.
There are two main methods of obtaining hair follicles from the donor area: FUE and Saffire FUE
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
In this technique, individual hair follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area (usually the back of the head) from the scalp. This is done using a micro punch motor. The hairs are then implanted into the beard area. The FUE technique has the advantage that no scars are left behind, however.
In the sapphire method, incisions are made with the gemstone sapphire. This is a very hard material (almost similar to diamond). This technique provides several advantages, especially in terms of precision, recovery and aesthetic results.
Aftercare and Recovery
After the transplant, we will give you follow-up instructions. These instructions are important to ensure that your recovery goes smoothly and to prevent complications.
6 - 8 uur
U mag dezelfde dag gewoon naar huis
Verlof van werk
Aangeraden om 1 week thuis te blijven
Hoofd wassen
Na 2 dagen
Op de rug slapen
Eerste 10 dagen
Rustige inspanning
Na 2 dagen
Individueel sporten
Na 5 dagen
Na 3 maanden
Na ongeveer 7 dagen
U maakt telefonisch 010-321 68 83 of via onze website een afspraak voor een gratis en vrijblijvend consult.
Tijdens een consult gesprek worden uw wensen en mogelijkheden besproken. De medische vragenlijst wordt doorgenomen. Het hele consult heeft als doel u zo duidelijk en volledig mogelijk te informeren.
U wordt voorbereid op de haartransplantatie behandeling. U krijgt VIP service gedurende uw hele behandeling.
Direct na de behandeling zullen wij u de verdere instructies uitleggen en deze aan u meegeven. In dit gesprek ontvangt u van ons het nazorg pakket en de medicatie. Vervolgens worden de Controle afspraken ingepland voor de 15e dag, 3e maand, 6e maand en 12e maand.
Het getransplanteerde haar bereikt 80% in de 6e maand en 100% in de 12e maand.